The Outpost

A semi-regular podcast where I talk to people who make things about the things they make! Being a freelance creative type can often be a solitary pursuit; hours spent cooped up in a studio making weird and wonderful things while the world goes on around us. In an effort to shed some light on the pathways and processes of artists across all fields, explore the universal forces that drive us to make and, well, speak to other human beings every once in a while, I started this podcast!

Each episode I’ll invite a creative peer of mine to come on and talk about their craft and break down what it means to say “everybody is an artist”. I have a long list of upcoming interviewees, featuring cartoonists, illustrators, musicians, textile artists, muralists, podcasters, game designers, writers, photographers, journalists, ceramicists and more! And I promise I’ll keep working on my sound and editing quality as we progress too. Thanks for listening!
