Page (i)
The message is in code, each character represents a letter.
The meanings of four of the cipher characters are provided via the image to start the decoding process.
The four symbols at the top represent L E A F, the rest can be deduced with logic and testing; in addition to the message, something else is pointed at specifically.
Decoding the cipher reveals: CHOOSE THE RIGHT BIRD AND FOLLOW ON ITS JOURNEY. The letter ‘J’ is also pointed to.
Page (ii)
The decoded message is the instruction, but you need something else from the previous page too.
This is also within the message – note what’s being pointed at.
The one highlighted letter refers you to the correct bird, the maze then has only one true route that takes you all the way to the correct solution.
The ‘J’ refers phonetically to the JAY and following from there through the maze, reaches ANIMAL.
Page (iii)
The previous solution tells you what category of words you’re looking for.
One letter per square, the solution reads down the shaded squares.
It’s a series of creatures starting with MOTH.
The words are MOTH, VULTURE, DEER, FROG, OWL, BAT, FLY. The solution is OVERLAY.
Page (iv)
Some of the text here is useful, some is not; the previous solution is an instruction for what to do.
Loose leaf versions of pages (iv) and (v) are used together - available here.
Put the pages together and hold them up to a light source.
This page and the next must be overlaid, and the dark text of both read together.
Page (v)
Have a look at the clues for (iv).
Only read the combined black text.
It provides cryptic descriptions of several objects.
The text you’re left with is: “Anna finds the woman - In the cabin in the woods. - The woman means to cast a spell - And asks the girl to find her: - The fingers of she who weeps and who withers - The bitter bright dust of her long dried out tears - The sound of her voice as it rings through the branches - The clothes of a friend she once reached out to dearly”.
Page (vi)
The previous solution contains distinct descriptions which are cryptic but do refer to specific objects.
You need to select four objects.
The numbers beneath each object are the solution.
The objects (in order) are: willow branch [1,6], bag of salt [3,6] bell [6,5], and feather [6,4].
Page (vii)
The previous solution is several pairs of numbers.
The final answer is four words.
Each of the four number-pairs of represents a square (coordinates – horizontal value then vertical value); each square contains one complete word.
The final answer is: IF A TREE FALLS